In 2014 I was invited through Østlandsutstillingen to participate in the group exhibition commemorating the 200 year anniversary of the Kiel Treaty. Held in the Flandernbunker i Kiel in May through July 2014, artists from Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden where invited to collaborate through letter-art projects and solo projects. The only criteria being that the art was to be small enough to be sent by post to the organizers in Kiel.

Tilfeldige muligheter - Proposals for New Treaties
For Norway the Kiel Treaty became one of the major events in our history. Denmark-Norway had been fighting on the Napoleon’s side and as a result, Norway was taken away from Denmark (after a 400 year union) and given as a gift to Sweden who had been on the winning side with England. Norway refused to become a part of Sweden, and for a couple of months was an independent country, resulting in the writing of our constitution. Through international pressure Norway had to give up it’s independence, and by the end of the year became a part of Sweden. The absurdity of these happenings, how one country can give another country to somebody else without its own people having a saying was the starting point of my project Tilfeldige muligheter - Proposals for New Treaties.

Spå (Fortune teller) and Paradis (Hopscotch) where participatory works that through play and chance invited the audience to draw new borders, thus commenting on the absurdity of deciding on new borders behind a desk and the randomness of such decisions.
Ironically the children’s game hopscotch is in Norwegian called paradis: paradise.

I also collaborated on several mail-art projects, which are shown in the slide show above.


Two days at sea, etc. (2014)