Solastalgia 4.0: Forsøksfelt (2024)

Exhibition at Terminal B, Pikene på Broen in Kirkenes 11.04-25.05.2024

Kunstnerkollektivet Solastalgia befinner seg i mellomrommet av et forsøks- og følelsesfelt. Med omsorg for både naturvitenskap og mytologi, har de utforsket landskapene i Sør-Varanger og Øst-Finnmark. Kunstnerne har besøkt steder preget av ulike former for menneskelige inngrep og tatt med seg bruddstykker herfra inn i sin praksis.

Begrepet solastalgia følger dem som et konseptuelt rammeverk. Det beskrives av filosofen Glenn Albrecht som “hjemlengselen du har når du fortsatt er hjemme”, et uttrykk for forstyrrende endringer i våre nærmiljø.

På Terminal B blir begrep og landskapsintrykk sammenfattet til kunstverk gjennom refleksjon og materialbearbeiding. I utstillingen blir dette uttrykt gjennom fotografi, lyd, video, installasjoner og et kuratert bibliotek.


The artist collective Solastalgia operates at the intersection of experimental and emotional realms. They blend insights from both natural sciences and mythology, exploring the landscapes of Sør-Varanger and Eastern Finnmark. Their site visits have lead them to places touched by diverse human interventions, from which they extract fragments to incorporate into their artistic practices.

Their work is anchored by the concept of solastalgia, coined by philosopher Glenn Albrecht, describing it as “the homesickness you have when you are still at home”, and your home environment changing in distressing ways.

At Terminal B, these concepts and landscape impressions coalesce into multifaceted artworks. Through reflection and material manipulation, the collective expresses their vision via photography, sound, video, installations, and a curated library.

Kunstneroppholdet på Flexile/Direktørboligen i november 2023, i samarbeid med Pikene på Broen og Flexile A.i.R. i november 2023, var utgangspunktet for undersøkelser i lokalområdet i Kirkenes, Finnmark. Vi besøkte blant annet slambanken (et gammelt deponi for gruveavfall i Langfjorden), gruveselskapet A/S Sydvaranger og selve gruven i Bjørnevatn. Resultatene av feltarbeidet vises i utstillingen Solastalgia 4.0: Forsøksfelt ved Terminal B fra 11. april til 25. mai 2024. Utstillingen består av 6 enkeltverk fra hver kunstner, samt fellesverket Bibliotek Solastalgia.

Bibliotek Solastalgia består av et utvalg av tekster, artikler og publikasjoner relevante for vårt arbeid. Her finnes i tillegg innsamlede objekter og unike elememt fra feltarbeid og studioprosesser. Biblioteket fungerer som en utvidelse av utstillingens tematikke, hvor publikum inviteres til fordypning, dialog og samtale.

WEBINAR 22nd of MAY 12-14 CET in English.


“The homesickness you have when you’re still at home”, is how the philosopher Glenn Albrecht describes the feeling of observing our local environment change in disturbing ways, introducing the term Solastalgia.

How can the term serve as a starting point to discuss the balance between facts and feelings in our reflections and actions on our changing landscapes, climate and environment?

The artist group Solastalgia explores the term through site specific artistic practices. In their ongoing exhibition Solstalgia 4.0: Forsøksfelt (Experimental field) at Terminal B in Kirkenes, the group takes a closer look at the human-touched landscapes in Sør-Varanger and East-Finnmark through material processing, photography, text, video and installations.

This digital seminar unfolds the term Solastalgia by introducing artistic, philosophical and field work approaches connected to the theme.

The seminar will be held in English and is open to everyone.


12.00: Introduction

The Terminal B exhibition “Solastalgia 4.0: Forsøksfelt”, by curator Astrid Fadnes, Pikene på Broen

“Solastalgia” – Introduction of the artist group and the term, by artist Andrea Grundt Johns

12.20: “Finnmark as an eldorado”
Performance lecture by artist Skade Henriksen

12.40: “Schaannings egg”: Conversation led by artist Sidsel Bonde.

In the period 1899-1906, the ornithologist Hans T. L. Schaanning collected bird eggs in Pasvikdalen. This extensive registration is being continued today. What does the historical and today´s work on mapping bird life tell us about the climate and environmental changes?

13.00: Intro & screening of video work “The queen crab”, by artist Christine Hansen.

The film presents a story from the perspective of the female kingcrab, based on research by the artist. In the poetic narrative of the piece, we learn, among other things, how the Queen Crab senses the world, the significance of the male crab when she molts, and her relationship with the sea.

13.30 - 14.00: "Animal Ethics and solastalgia"
A meeting between artistic and philosophical practices through a conversation with philosopher Hannah Winther about solastalgic feelings, bioethics and the possibility of saving wild salmon through genome editing.


The artist group Solastalgia consists of Sidsel Bonde, Ann Edvartsen Hay, Åsne Eldøy, Christine Hansen, Skade Henriksen & Andrea Grundt Johns.

Hannah Winther works as a postdoctoral researcher in philosophy at NTNU. She works on the ethics of genome editing animals, bioethics, and ethics after Wittgenstein.

Pikene på Broen is a group of curators and producers based in Kirkenes, running the gallery space Terminal B, a residency programme and the art festival Barents Spektakel.

The seminar is hosted by Pikene på Broen & Solastalgia artist group.


ABOUT US (2019-)


Solastalgia 3.0: Varangerfestivalen (2022)